Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Banish Dry Skin with These Winter Skin Care Solutions

While lighter creams and masks might do the job in summer, getting the hydration your skin needs is even more important when the weather cools down. Luckily, there are a whole host of skincare developments specially designed for that purpose, from heavy creams and plumping gels to nourishing moisturisers that promise an instant hit of hydration.

During winter the cold, harsh weather combined with central heating can leave your skin feeling dry, tight and drearily lacklustre so it’s important to preserve your moisture levels.

Your woolly jumpers aren’t the only thing that should be getting heavier as cooler climes set in, so should your skin care. Fortunately, a superior class of rich cold-weather creams are here to help but which one should you choose?

Most people’s skin gets drier as the temperature drops but everybody’s needs vary. If you have dry skin you really need to knuckle down that hydration to stop your skin from getting flaky so opt for a cream specifically designed to prevent moisture loss. Make sure to look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid which is known for its extra hydrating properties.

For those with oily skin, applying a heavy cream can feel too much but you can still benefit from additional moisturisation come winter. Instead of skipping it altogether look for a light, oil-free formula.

If you have combination skin it’s a case of altering your routine as and when; if your skin is looking dry or feeling tight swap out your standard moisturiser for something more protective and make sure you’re using a cream or oil-based cleanser.

While having the right formula will certainly give your skin care an upgrade there are a few tricks you can do to maximise your moisturiser’s impact. First make sure to exfoliate regularly as dead skin cells can prevent it from sinking in. Next, try to always apply your lotion onto damp skin; post-shower and getting it on within a three minute window will give you the best results.

Winter throws up a whole new set of skin care needs our way but by promoting your product you can safe I the knowledge that your skin has the best chance at combating the blustery months ahead.

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